vSphere 5.1 What’s New

VMware announced a new version of VMware vSphere 5.1 at VMworld USA. I created a nice summup of all new features to give you nive clean overview

if you are going to upgrade vsphere 5.1 please read this links and notic changes them


vSphere 5.1 What’s New

about me


Name: Omid Koushki

Born: July 1982

Type: Network Specialist

Status: Married

Degree: Computer Science

Favorite Technology: Microsoft & Security Technology

Favorite Project: Security & Troubleshooting Network


Emailing Is The Best Way To Communicate With Me !
oovoo: omid.koushki

+98 935 338 11 12


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    1. http://4admins.org
    2. http://omid.4admins.org
    3. http://koushki.ir
    4. http://koushki.ir